@Effengi I'm not sure how to address this issue as I don't have two computers to test this on. As of my understanding it is you that need to add his local IP-Address like you said. Maybe try adding both his public and local address? Also, when joining an empty session, most of the times you stay solo so just deactivate and invite your friends.

PSN Resolver Simply submit an username, then it will give you the IP Address if we're able to resolve it. Can I blacklist my self? Blacklist is only available to OctoSniff Customers who owns the Software. Do you sell an API? Not currently. How to use this? Just submit an username, then we'll attempt to resolve it. If we can, we'll return the IP Address to you. Gta 5 connection blocked? - Malwarebytes for Windows Sep 06, 2017 GTA 5 Online DNS Codes 2020 - Free Generator

Jan 18, 2017

How To Get Someones IP Address (The Real Way) – GTA 5

Jun 26, 2019

21 rows How To Get Someones IP Address (The Real Way) – GTA 5