Debian Main amd64 Official: yum-utils_1.1.31-2_all.deb: Utilities based around the yum package manager: Debian Main arm64 Official: yum-utils_1.1.31-2_all.deb: Utilities based around the yum package manager: Debian Main armhf Official: yum-utils_1.1.31-2_all.deb: Utilities based around the yum package manager: Debian Main i386 Official: yum
Jan 30, 2014 centos - Why does Debian have RPM and Yum packages In summary it seems that a small number of packages in Debian depends on yum per se. If you recursively try to check which of these packages is a dependancy on its turn, what you get is that they are not (with few recursions). Basically yum is used to create rpm repos from within a chroot in debian or to make use of the XEN SOAP daemon. How to Install RPM Packages Using YUM Within Fedora And CentOS Feb 19, 2020 linux - yum equivalent to apt-get upgrade vs apt-get dist
Anaconda | RPM and Debian Repositories for Miniconda
Anaconda | RPM and Debian Repositories for Miniconda Jun 30, 2019
8.4.5. Adding, Enabling, and Disabling a Yum Repository
You can also have your own local package repository and add it on Debian. In this article, I will show you how to add a package repository on Debian. I will use Debian 9 Stretch for the demonstration. Adding a Package Repository Manually on Debian. The package repository information is stored on the /etc/apt/sources.list file. May 04, 2019 · yum stands for "Yellowdog Updater Modified". It can automatically perform system updates, including dependency analysis and obsolete processing based on " repository " metadata . It can also perform installation of new packages, removal of old packages and perform queries on the installed or available packages among other commands/services (see I am sure most of you use many YUM repositories to install softwares on any RPM based distributions like RHEL, CentOS, Fedora etc. Sometimes, you might want to install a software from a group of specific repositories, or you may want to disable all repositories, and install a package from a single repository. We have repositories available for APT and YUM-based distributions. Note that we provide binary packages, but no source packages. We use the PGP key D88E42B4, Elasticsearch Signing Key, with fingerprint. 4609 5ACC 8548 582C 1A26 99A9 D27D 666C D88E 42B4. to sign all our packages. It is available from APTedit
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